Did you know your organization might already have a budget for WorkplaceBuddy?
Your organization may have an agreement with Microsoft called the Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment (MACC). This is a budget your organization needs to spend within a specific timeframe. WorkplaceBuddy has a special status with Microsoft, allowing you to use your MACC budget for our app! This means you don’t have to pay anything out of pocket.
How do you find out how much MACC budget your organization has and when it needs to be spent?
That’s a great question! You can check this in the Azure portal. If your organization has an Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft, you’ll need the role of ‘Enterprise Administrator.’ If your organization has a Microsoft Customer Agreement, you’ll need the role of owner, contributor, or reader on the billing account. Not sure what this all means? Simply share this page with your IT department — they’ll be able to figure it out. And of course, we’re here to help if needed!