HR professionals

Grow your digital employee experience; build a strong digital skills foundation

Leading an impactful and positive digital employee experience is important, as we have never before spent so much work time behind a screen. Remote work changed the game for many organizations: Creating connection and positive moments became harder than ever. Ensuring such a digital experience where everyone can understand it and be included in all that's happening is what makes an enormous difference for effective employee engagement. WorkplaceBuddy is a platform which is built to help everyone become digitally skilled, get everyone engaged, provide a strong foundation for communicating digital updates, and foster growth mindset all through joyful positive experiences.

When users start with WorkplaceBuddy their average digital skill level is


Learn in the flow of work; bite-sized learnings and nanodegrees

Don't worry, we are not far away or hidden like you often see with self-service portals. We're also not typical annoying email updates screaming for attention, which we know get ignored anyway. We are proud to be top of mind for our customers: WorkplaceBuddy fits seamlessly into your workflow as it's right inside Microsoft Teams. Our bite-sized learnings are informational and entertaining, giving you the perfect combination to advance your work. With our badges (nanodegrees), we keep your organization engaged and ensure your colleagues make progress. Which gives you as a HR expert the right analytics to know where your organization stands and where you want to go.

We help our users to achieve (at least) this digital skill level


Digitally successful organizations reinforce a successful employee experience

With everything moving online, digitally leading organizations are most likely to attract the top talent and hold a strong position in the market. With the WorkplaceBuddy platform, you can build digital skills, interact with employees at scale, and target the right audience for your messages. The platform is powerful as it is personalized, yet scalable, ensuring smooth onboarding, quick adoption of new digital tools, and frictionless implementation of new ways to work

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